Whew what a weekend! My oldest brother Mark, came in from England. He is here for some training in Dayton and he was able to spend the night with us on Saturday. We were excellent hosts and showed him how efficient the city is at snow removal. Yep that's right we got a wee dusting of snow (about 6 inches or so). His visit was much too quick, so quick in fact that he was a blur and I wasn't able to get any pictures (You're welcome Mark) After Mark headed off to Dayton we played in the snow because I am sure this is it until next winter. I hope mother nature is listening.

As for the new title. I am starting to think of myself as an amateur foodie. Why a foodie? I have cooked so many new meals this year (some more successful than others) and I am actually planning my menus for the week. I still have to figure out a way to eat leftovers (besides pizza), I am just not really a fan of them.
I made bread twice this week (one honey whole wheat and on french bread that I will definitely do again).
But the real reason I am bestowing the title upon myself is because for the first time, in the history of man, both Madelyn and Nate finished their dinner and they LIKED it! What, pray tell, do you feed a 3 year old who thinks the food groups are chocolate milk, Doritos, chicken nuggets and pop tarts? And a 30 something man that eats plain meat and potatoes? How about Savory Braised Short ribs and potatoes (which Maddy insisted were yucky until she actually tried them). Now you see I have a more adventurous palate (at least compared to those two) My potatoes were a very delicious Balsamic Shallot potato but I digress.
Now I know some of you remember when Maddy was a baby and she ate EVERYTHING- the thing is I bragged about it and honestly felt quite smug that I, a first time mom, had mastered the secret of raising a non picky eater. How foolish I was! Every meal for the last year or maybe two has been a struggle. I know I know I am probably celebrating early and tomorrow will be another battle of wills but tonight I am victorious!
For those of you that want to share my title as amateur foodie here are the links to my recipes this week. Thank you Recipe Zaar and La Fuji Mama Blog and Heavenly Homemakers Blog.
Got a chocolate craving? This are the easiest bestest fastest brownies ever! I recommend eating them warm.
Or you can eat the batter right out of the bowl... that's good too!