Friday, February 29, 2008
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
As Maddy like to say, "daddy fix it".
Also on the fixed list, the laptop I'm typing this on. Had to install a new hard drive and install XP again. Of course it wasn't quite as straight forward as I would have hoped (learned I had to go into the BIOS and all that). But after a day of downloading and installing patches and what not, it is back up and running. The advantage is it is back to booting up really quick and all that too.
Ok, off to bed.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Nate getting a snow blower (snow thrower?) from one of the guys he works with. He spent at least an hour clearing off the patio on Sunday. It was layer after layer of snow and ice.
Here's a cute picture of Maddy goofing off.
I will be better at taking videos and pictures now that things are settled.
If you really want a treat I did a walk through of the house when it was still empty and narrated in my very own style (if you can call it that). Check out
Don't laugh at me too much. Also that is where I put extra video and picture of us that don't make the blog, so feel free to bookmark it and check back often. Seriously I have to go now because this post has taken me more than an hour to do.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Catching up
Here are a few pictures of Maddy's room. I am so excited to get her in her own space.
Here is the kitchen from the upstairs loft. I can't wait to get in there and start cooking. We close tomorrow at 3 and even though the moving truck isn't going to arrive until
Saturday morning I plan on spending the night. Yippee!! Maybe we will even meet some people and have some friends. OK a few more pictures.
This is Maddy's area in the basement. The wall is a chalkboard and part of it is magnetic. So cool.
Here is our area of the basement soon it will have a TV and some furniture. Maddy loves to run around the open space.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
We're Homeless!!!
We stopped by the new house on Monday to take some measurements and then go buy some new furniture. For those that come visit, you'll enjoy the new couch...for those that don't...well you are missing is really comfy.
Traci's new laptop is on the way, so should probably order internet service and either cable or satellite. Once that all happens, expect new pics/vids.
Monday, February 11, 2008
The cool thing is I am posting this blog from a Sears internet lounge in the mall. That's pretty cool.
If you really need me call my cell and I will probably answer. :)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Sledding again
Here is Madelyn sledding by herself. We are bracing for another cold front but it shouldn't be to bad this time around I feel like we are old pros at this stuff now.
We decided to head to Dunkin Donuts today because they are everywhere so we figured they must be good right? WRONG. It was terrible but at least I know and I can cross donuts off of my list of must haves... unless I can find that Krispy Kreme again. :o)
Stacy said I had to.. So here it goes.
- Working at my aunt's montessori school
- Living in an apartment with Nate (already married 2 years)
- Talking about moving to Seattle so Nate could go to school
5 things I was doing 5 years ago:
1. Working at Wamu as an Administrative Assistant
2. Getting settled in our first house in Everett
3. Hanging out with Kate
5 things I did today:
1. Road trip to Dunkin Donuts (not so good)
2. Sledding with Nate and Maddy
3. Made breakfast
4. Emptied Dishwasher and picked up toys
5. Read Stacy's blog.. which brings me here. :)
5 things I'll do when I have a billion dollars:
1. Buy a plane so I can go visit people and places when I want.
2. Pay off parents houses or buy them new ones.
3. Set the nieces, nephews and Madelyn up for college.
4. Buy a big house in Maui for all of my friends and family to stay at when they are there.
5. Take a cruise around the world and see all the great places and buy houses along the way
5 places I've lived:
Spokane WA
Mt. Lake Terrace, WA
Bothell, Wa
Everett, WA
Buffalo Grove/ Vernon Hills, IL
5 jobs I've had:
1. Concession stand at a Racetrack
2. McDonalds (grill, counter, drive thu, pseudo manager)
3. Day care "teacher" (really glorified diaper changer)
4. Telephone banker
5. Administrative Assistant
5 things you may or may not know about me:
- I wish I could sing -you know really sing like Kelly Clarkson
- I have moved more in the last 10 years than I did my entire life
- I can touch my nose with the tip of my tongue (gross but true)
- I am an expert bubble blower and gum snapper (much to Stacy's chagrin)
- I dream of being Martha Stewart- without the prison sentence
- I suck at remembering what I did 10 years and even 5 years ago
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Snow lessions and bath time
I decided to venture out today I thought the mall would be a good idea. Today's lesson and I hope everyone can learn from it: clear the snow off of the roof of your vehicle. I'm driving along and WHAMO all the snow from the roof goes sliding down my front window. Needless to say the wipers couldn't handle it and I couldn't see so I had to try to get out of traffic enough so I could stop and clear the window. So after that I turned around and went home.. partially because I was soaked with frostbite starting on my fingers because in my haste I didn't put my gloves on and it was faster to clear the snow with my hands and partially becuase I just wanted to get off the road -it was, as we like to say in the Annis house, trecherous.
On to other things. Maddy has been talking and singing and "reading" like crazy lately. Here she is in the tub (content may not be suitable for children under 13)
Here are some other pictures of her with her new glasses for all of you who have been asking me about them.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Super Fat Tuesday
Maddy had music class today and she really has a great time there. I keep forgetting to bring the camera and then when I do remember (like today) forget to take pictures. Maybe next week.
We also went to the library today. Maddy saw a Clifford stuffed animal (you know the big red dog) and said it was an Elmo dog. It really does look like Elmo - the kid is wicked smart. We also did a shape puzzle, and she kept pointing out the diamond. I have been telling her to tell daddy that mommy wants diamonds for Valentines Day. I bet I am out of luck because I am getting a new house. Hey I can try right? :)
But the best part of today was that I got an "I love you mama" And it was spontanious... no prompting.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
What you see here is mom taking a picture about 3/4 of the way up a sled hill that they built...yep, no real hills, so they had to build a big hill. It is pretty nice and uniform with several different sled runs, some with more bumps/jumps than others, but with gates at the top (you can see the closest gate if you look at the top to the right). Very much like a giant cheese wedge laying on it's side...but with snow...and fences...and not smelly....oh, and an ice rink at the bottom (wasn't open today though). And here you probably thought I was going to make some comment about me being the one playing pack mule and mom taking the photos...just face it, moms are smarter than dads so we have to do what we do best and haul stuff.
Here we have a high speed lens going, because she is obviously riding down a very steep double black diamond run...yep, backwards again.

Friday, February 1, 2008
Stop it Mama!!
It snowed about 8 inches yesterday/today. Madelyn and I went to play in the snow. I think Nate and I are going to try and find a sled hill in the area tomorrow and test out the sled we got for Christmas.